Regional School Unit 16
Regional School Unit #16 3 Aggregate Road * Poland, Maine 04274 * Tina Meserve * 207-998-2727 * F-207-998-2753 * The towns of Mechanic Falls, Minot, and Poland are served Administratively by RSU #16 with tuition students from Raymond. RSU #16 has the following schools: Minot Consolidated School, grades PreK-6, enrollment 206; Elm Street School in Mechanic Falls, grades PreK-6, enrollment 303; Poland Community School, grades PreK-6, enrollment 446; Bruce M.Whittier Middle School in Poland, grades 7 & 8, enrollment 252; Poland Regional High School, grades 9-12 and the DPath (Alternative School) Program grades 9-12, enrollment 492. The District’s average 2009-2010 per-pupil operating expenditures were $7,801 Elementary; $10,580 Secondary. Affiliation with Lewiston Regional Technical Center. RSU #16 offers a comprehensive adult education program with classes at the Elm Street School in Mechanic Falls (345-3217)