Calvin Hunter, Aflac Independent Agent
Aflac offers Supplemental Health Benefits to employees by their employer through a payroll deduction so the employer doesn't have to take on any cost or additional expenses. Aflac's purpose is to offer Financial Security to your employees when it's needed the most, during an unexpected injury or illness in their family. Aflac benefits are paid in cash directly to your employee, the policy holder. This allows them, to use that cash for whatever they need it for. Aflac benefits can be offered to any employee whether they have health insurance in place or not. Aflac helps to fill the gaps that your health insurance doesn't cover. But and more important, by paying a cash benefit for claims, this allows the policy holder to choose to spend this money where they need it the most. In a major catastrophic event this may be their everyday expenses like rent, mortgage, car payment, groceries, utilities... This is why Aflac pays a Cash Benefit, so your employees can choose to use this money where it's needed the most. Aflac Premiums are affordable. Premiums are on average $7.00/week and as low as $2.72/week. Cash Benefits can range from $300 to $500 for a minor injury or as high as $30,000 to $50,000 plus for catastrophic events. All in all, Aflac is here for you when you need it the most. Providing you and your employees Financial Security during an unexpected injury or illness in the family.